Nukewatch monitor and track the movement of British WMD’s from AWE Aldermaston and AWE Burghfield in Berkshire to RNAD Coulport on the West coast of Scotland.
Nukewatch is not a membership organisation. It is a network of individuals who campaign against nuclear warhead convoys, mainly because they are part of a system of Weapons of Mass Destruction, but also because we believe that communities potentially affected by the convoys should be aware of their existence and the risks they pose.
Nukewatch compiles an annual list of warhead convoy movements to help in monitoring the overall state and deployment of the UK’s arsenal of nuclear weapons. The Resources page has a summary of recent convoy movements.
Sharing Information
We think that it is very important that Nukewatch continues to monitor the safety of UK nuclear warhead convoys, and that Convoy dangers are highlighted to the general public and those along its routes.
We only put out detailed convoy movements in advance to our own network. As so many people are posting to social media about convoys they have seen Nukewatch now puts some information on Facebook and Twitter but not exact locations in real time.