On Wednesday 15th November a full convoy including four warhead carriers left Burghfield in the morning. It went west on the M4 to junction 12 and then north on the A34 around Oxford. Crossing the M40 it took the A41 to MOD Arncott for a break. It then went back onto the M40 north to junction 15 and onto the A46 and then the M69 to go into Gamecock Barracks for lunch. After that it headed up to the M1 and continued north.
The next day, Thursday 16th, it was spotted on the M74 just north of Carlisle so had crossed over to the West route at some point. It continued up onto the M73, M80 and then the M9 turning off to take a break at DSG Stirling. As it left there is was briefly halted by three
protesters carrying copies of the recently published Nukewatch report UNREADY SCOTLAND. They were arrested for obstructing the police. The convoy continued back onto the M9 and then turned west on the A811 and up the A82 arriving at Coulport in the dark.
On Monday 20th November the convoy left Coulport although strangely it only had two warhead carriers with all the escort. It took the A811 to Stirling and continued on the M9 to the Edinburgh bypass where it turned off to Glencorse Barracks in Penicuik. A film taken of it leaving there was later posted on Facebook and has currently been shared 1153 times and been viewed by 72,000 people. Returning to the Edinburgh bypass the convoy continued down the A1 passing Newcastle to stop overnight at RAF Leeming. The next day it returned to Burghfield via the A1 crossing to the M40 and the A34. Towards the end of its journey it was caught up in lots of heavy traffic.